Got a question about a product or need help troubleshooting a bedding concern? Take a read through our FAQ section, we might have already read your mind.
We always love to hear and speak with you. Whether it’s a glowing review, or it’s a little bit of criticism, or it’s just to tell us you entered your postal address incorrectly — every message helps us be better, which in turns helps you sleep better.
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[accordion action="new accordion" title="Need to speak to customer service?" ]Drop us an email and we (Mel or Reid) or our small team of customer service superstars will be in touch as ASAP as possible!
Our current response time takes 1-2 business days.
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Our current response time takes 1-2 business days.
Email melandreid@ervetbedding.com[accordion action="end accordion"]
[accordion action="new accordion" title="Want to write about us?"]Aww shucks! We’re always open to collaborating. For any PR or media inquiries, send us an email to melandreid@ervetbedding.com[accordion action="end accordion"]